Karrat Fjord, Greenland. I always wanted to go to Greenland and it was everything and more than I expected.
I'm a neuroscience and physiology professor at Mount Royal University in Calgary, Alberta. In my spare time, I'm an adventure scientist, something I make up as I go along. I look for cool people doing cool things in cool places and go visit them to see what I can learn. I've yet to be disappointed. I'm just as happy looking for wood frogs in Alberta's boreal forest as I am chasing spider monkeys in Belize. I want to go everywhere and know everything - it’s good to have goals, right? Photography, books, soccer, motorcycles, and local breweries are all pretty great.
Note: All of the photos and audio used on this site are my own.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any story ideas, comments, or suggestions. I look forward to hearing from you.
Thanks to MRU for support and being a great place to work (and go to school!). Check it out here.
I am always looking for interesting research projects to learn about and to be a part of. So if your research team has a project that you think people would like to know about (or should know about!), then let me know!